On the evening of October the 19th, a group calling itself Notts Casual Infidels organised a protest in Nottingham against “Uncontrolled Immigration” (the fact that immigration is ‘uncontrolled’ in the UK will come as a surprise to migrants imprisoned in detention centres, but let’s leave that aside for now). A group of about 20 fascists spent a while drinking themselves brave in a Wetherspoons pub on the City’s Market Square, before venturing out to wave a large St.George’s Flag and a home-made banner.
They stood on the edge of the square with their flag for a while, opposed by a much larger anti-fascist group, mobilized at short notice. When the anti-fascists, numbering about 100, moved towards the pub, the police formed lines to keep the two groups separate.
A familiar face on the demo was Jimmy Saville fan Bob Brindley, aka “Nottingham BNP”. He stood at the edge of the NCI contingent, waving his grubby Union Jack. He quickly scuttled off when the antifascist demo moved closer.
It seems the NCI are linked to the remains of Nottinghamshre EDL – note the rotund guy on the left in this photo from the evening…
He’s Craig Burridge, from Worksop EDL. Here he is again at the anti-mosque march in Lincoln in July…..

In the gutter, gazing at the bars…
Also from Worksop EDL was Andrew Shaw….
Here’s an ex-Nottingham EDL activist – melancholic chauvinist Adam Repton (in the cap):
The NCI spokesperson on the evening was Jamie Upton…
Upton also used to be a prominent local EDL activist, but fell foul of the EDL hierarchy in January, accused of stealing funds. So, it looks like the NCI is another of the many little splinter groups that have emerged from the remains of the EDL (in this case, perhaps with suspiciously full pockets….). It could be said that they are, ironically, themselves refugees from the wreck of the EDL.
Some more photos of the NCI on the evening…
After a while, the NCI dispersed, and after being shepherded around the market square by the police, went back into the pub, to enjoy the traditional far-right pastime of drinking beer under the watchful eye of the constabulary.
The antifascist counter-protest subsequently dispersed, with one arrest as someone tried to break through police lines. Some time later, the NCI finally emerged from the warm shelter of the pub and took a photo of themselves on the empty steps of the Council House. They had an abandoned UAF placard with them as a ‘trophy’….recovered from a bin on the market square!
It’s fair to say that the NCI’s first demo was hardly a success – they were heavily outnumbered, and spent most of the evening being slowly pushed back into the pub by police. The highlight of their evening’s political activity seems to be a sign found in a bin – whatever floats your boat, lads….