No progress for BNP in Skegness

In spite of their hype, the BNP are failing to make progress on the issue of the Skegness halal slaughterhouse. Their last demo was disappointing, turning out only 30 supporters, some of whom were so disappointed with the local organisation that they handed in their membership cards afterwards. Local activists blamed the time of year and lack of advertising for the poor turnout.

No such excuses could be blamed for a similarly poor turnout (we counted about 30 in their photoshoot) yesterday. Thanks to the decision of Johnston Press to give the BNP an advert for their demo in the local newspaper, the Skegness Standard, the fascist party had had all the publicity they could hope for. So no progress for the BNP and, given the rumours suggesting that the slaughterhouse is being run into the ground by incompetent owners, the issue could soon be a moot point.

Thanks to some constructive dialogue with the editor of the Skegness Standard over his paper’s coverage of the issues, most of the East Midlands Anti-fascists’ statement, telling the truth about the BNP’s fake concern for animals, was published yesterday.

Lincolnshire Coastal Branch had better find another issue to exploit fast, because this one is turning into a dead duck.

BNP is exploiting slaughterhouse issue

The fascist British National Party will hold a demonstration outside Skegness’ halal slaughterhouse today. In the absence of a genuine animal rights movement, the BNP is exploiting the real concern of local people about the treatment of animals for its own racist and divisive political agenda.

The BNP only campaign against halal slaughter, not the almost identical kosher slaughter or animal rights abuses committed by white British farmers, because they have identified racism against Asian Muslims as a vote winner.(1) Genuine animal rights activists, such as Bristol Animal Rights Collective, have called the focus on halal slaughter “a sign of racial and cultural discrimination” and stated that they “hope [fascists] will be shown that they’re not welcome in Skegness or the animal liberation movement!”(2)

The BNP’s supposed stance against animal cruelty is hypocrisy. The party has given active support to fox hunting in the past. When the Hunting Bill banning the hunting of foxes with dogs was given the Royal Ascent, the BNP announced that “BNP supporters were devastated by the news” calling fox hunting “a sport which has an important role to play”.(3) The BNP is only interested in recruiting people and winning votes, not the plight of animals.

Unlike the BNP, East Midlands Anti-fascists are opposed to ALL animal cruelty.(4) We do not make distinctions based on the ethnic or religious background of the perpetrators.

Under the coalition government’s regime of austerity, ordinary people are suffering due to wage freezes, job losses and cuts to public services. Because, unlike the main parties, the BNP have no history of mismanaging the country, some people are tempted to give them their support. However, the BNP’s divisive policies offer no solution to the current crisis, only serving to divide the working class along racial and cultural lines and making it easier for bosses to exploit us.

East Midlands Anti-fascists oppose the BNP and other fascist groups because we believe the only way we can change our everday lives is by working together: workers and the unemployed, women and men and people of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds. It is corrupt politicians and leeching company bosses who are holding us down, not immigrants or Muslims.

We want to shut down the Skegness slaughterhouse and all factory farming. We also want to shut down the anti-working class policies of the BNP.


(1) The BNP has stated that “We reject both pro-Zionist internationalism… and the Islamification of our homelands. Which enemy is it in our political interest to be seen to be opposing more vigorously at the moment? To a party aiming to win seats in London, the West Midlands and the former mill-towns of Northern England, the answer should be pretty obvious.”

(2) See the full statement by Bristol Animal Rights Collective here:

(3) The Real Countryside Alliance ( also lists the extensive links between hunting and the far right.

(4) The East Midlands Anti-fascists blog is an independent website set up to monitor and oppose the far right across the region:

The Skegness Standard responds

We have received a rather haughty response from Philip Murray, editor of the Skegness Standard, who, unsurprisingly, doesn’t think he’s done anything wrong. According to Mr Murray: “We don’t support any political group, and never have, and we have carried adverts from groups all over the political spectrum at one point or another in the past.”

This is inadequate. Would Mr Murray give advertising space to an explicitly Nazi Party? Would that be ordinary business as well? Would he be surprised if there were angry protests against him and his paper if he did so? I imagine he would treat such an approach as either ethically repugnant or bad for business, depending on how cynical he was. Giving the BNP an advert is not really much different, however legitimate they would like us to believe they are, given the leadership’s strong links to Nazism, anti-Semitism and racial violence.

Mr Murray continues:

You also ask why we didn’t look to get comment from anti-fascists; it’s simply because we would always look to get reaction from local politicians first because we’re a local newspaper.

This avoids the thrust of the question which was why the Skegness Standard gave an uncritical report of the BNP’s protest. Were there really no “local politicians” who opposed the BNP’s march? It seems unlikely. The only person quoted in the Standard’s front page feature on the BNP march was the regional organiser, Robert Ashton. If this isn’t bias it is extremely poor journalism and either way Mr Murray is culpable.

Clearly Mr Murray is not going to take responsibility for his paper’s lapses so it might be worth going to the next level. Thanks to Worthing’s Porkbolter for this suggestion:

People might also want to ask the CEO of the publishing group that owns the Skegness Standard why it’s supporting fascism. The firm is Johnston Press and the head honcho is Ashley Highfield – email or tweet him at @ashleyhi

The Skegness Standard supports fascism

The BNP has recently announced that its Lincolnshire Coastal Branch, organised by Grimsby’s Robert Ashton, will be holding another day of action in Skegness next weekend. The BNP will be meeting from 11.30am on Sat 16th March, with the intention of marching to the Heath Road halal abattoir. Last time they met at The Victoria, 23 Wainfleet Road. We don’t imagine they will have moved far but you can call them on 07714009285 to find out. They are even taking the party’s Lie Lorry for a spin around the streets – let’s hope that there are no low bridges in Skegness! Party activists will, once again,  be crying crocodile tears and pretending to care about animal rights but in reality they are more interested in persecuting Muslims.

Interestingly, local paper The Skegness Standard seems to be propping them up, giving the fascists “ground breaking” advertising space for their demo. Readers may remember that after the last BNP demo in January, the Standard gave the BNP a totally uncritical feature article, which will undoubtedly have been a boost for them. Either the people running the paper are totally naive or are sympathetic to the fascists.

We have written to the Standard’s editor, Philip Murray, asking him why his publication is giving support to the fascist BNP. We ask that anti-fascists contact Mr Murrary to find out why his publication is promoting a party led by a holocaust denier that has a racist and authoritarian ideology:

Skegness Standard
Unit 22
The Hildreds
PE25 3NU

Editor – Philip Murray
Telephone: 01754 897120 Fax: 01754 610987

Tories forming alliance with fascists in NW Leics?

There are local elections afoot in many parts of the East Midlands in May and the party machines are grinding into life. Sensing major defeats to Labour in North West Leicestershire, the Tories are looking for every desperate trick in the book to hang onto power… including courting the “independent nationalist” (i.e. fascist who no longer likes Nick Griffin), Councillor Graham Partner, if his blog is to be believed.

Partner was elected BNP County Councillor for the Coalville ward in 2007  but soon joined Sadie Graham’s anti-Griffin faction, bouncing in and out of the party before finally resigning the party whip in 2010 to become an “independent nationalist” (fascist without a home). Last year he was censured by the County Council for a virulently islamophobic leaflet he sent to voters, which was described as “causing harassment to people of Nigerian origin, Third World origin, Palestinian origin, Pakistani origin, any non-Christian beliefs as well as those of a liberal Christian belief”.

According to Partner’s blog:

In anticipation of those prospects [losses to Labour in a number of wards] and the Coalville defeat of the former BNP councillor, the Tories had the cheek to ask for help from Graham and his associates to fend off the Labour revival and ensure Tory victories.

We definitely take this with a pinch of salt, given the source, but it wouldn’t be unthinkable. The “anti-fascist” credentials of mainstream politicians are always secondary to their desire to hang onto power by any means necessary. If this turns out to be true, it is further proof that you cannot trust mainstream politicians to fight the fascists. The only way they will be beaten is through grassroots anti-fascist direct action.

Nottingham BNP in deep cover

We’re very pleased that Nottingham BNP have started publishing reports on their branch meetings on their shoddy and garish site. These are a lot more entertaining than the mix of Nick Griffin’s begging letters and reposts of any crime story from the Nottingham Post involving black people, which was all that used to go up. The most recent report has a real gem – Nottingham BNP’s ‘underground’ activities:

The Auk indymedia site and the activities going on at the Sumac centre (once again thanks for the inside information ‘Mole’) were again a good source of amusement and continue to entertain everyone.

It’s seriously doubtful whether they really have a mole taking part in activities at Nottingham’s social centre, the Sumac Centre, or Indymedia, otherwise they would have hinted at the juicy gossip they’d been able to pick up on. Most probably they’re just fantasising about playing James Bond, forgetting that you have to have a certain amount of charm to be a successful spy.

Nottingham BNP activist, Alex 'Beano' McConnell

Nottingham BNP activist, Alex ‘Beano’ McConnell – perhaps on his way to wash dishes for ‘reds’ at the Sumac?

Broxtowe organiser, David Wright, gets into disguise

Broxtowe BNP activist, David Wright, gets into disguise

Given that the Sumac Centre is, according to its website, “run by Volunteers” and is “always in need of more people to help keep the Centre running”, “infiltrating” the Sumac would have to involve putting yourself forward to help run the place. Let’s hope that the BNP really are pulling pints and peeling tatties for their anarchist and left-wing enemies – helping to support an alternative to the fascist dictatorship they desire.

Likewise, the Nottingham Indymedia website is run by a collective that holds open meetings. You don’t need to be a mole to work out what’s going on – it’s all in the public domain. Sorry to smash your dreams of being the next Mark Kennedy lads! With openly organised, non-hierarchical organisations like these, it’s hard to see what the BNP would get out of infiltrating them, even if they were capable of it.

What is more worrying is that the BNP are trying to do some racially-selective social work:

There is also need to get more involved with community projects like operating food banks for our needy etc. [Emphasis added]

This is not really anything new. The BNP have been trying to infiltrate and exploit community projects for years. Now they are hoping to emulate the successes of Greek Nazis, Golden Dawn, whose cynical “anti-austerity” measures only extend to “indigenous” Greeks.

If the BNP are reading this (which they almost certainly are – they crave the attention), we notice that you haven’t managed to find any candidates for the local elections yet. Better stop playing police spies and get back to losing deposits.

Poor East Mids turnout for Manchester

So, in an an attempt to unite the shite about 400 paralytic munters descended on Manchester city centre yesterday. The turnout was pretty pathetic compared to the 1200 who mustered for the last EDL demo in the city but an improvement on the 30 scag addicts who ranted to anyone who would listen in Cambridge last weekend.

"1000 patriots" according to the EDL

“1000 patriots” according to the EDL

The 400 lager-sodden muppets achieved nothing. Manchester police escorted them straight from the train stations to their designated pub, they were frog-marched surrounded by coppers into an area fenced off with 10 foot barriers and then were escorted back to their trains when the speeches were over. They were outnumbered by a lively anti-fascist crowd who got to march through the city centre to the demo site. The Facebook chatter about small groups of EDL out to stalk anti-fascists turned out to be more infidel bullshit. We only saw one group of fascists dare to show up near the UAF stall and they were swiftly chased off.

There was no sign of the supposed coup by the North West Infidels who reckoned they were going to take back the EDL from softy liberals who only hate Muslims not Jews as well. Amusingly though there was a punch up between two different fascist factions at Victoria station which resulted in 5 of them being nicked.

We only spotted about a dozen faces from East Midlands Infidels, or whatever they’re calling themselves this month, confirming our suspicions that only alcoholics and social misfits are left. They used to take several coaches to a national demo but now only a handful with no other social life can be arsed to come. They looked well on their way to alcohol-induced coma as they staggered around Manchester, clutching their Strongbow to their chests and wondering where it all went wrong in their lives.

Manchester showed that even when they pull all the stops out the EDL can’t really pose a threat any more. It is a dying movement that only the most head-banging believers still think is capable of going anywhere. All that the turnout showed is that the death is going to be long and boring.

Unite the shite: Part 2

Tony Curtis has finally thrown his lot in with yet another unmemorable far right group – the English National Resistance. The ENR seem to have stolen the name of a previous group of the same name who tried unsuccessfully to bring the German autonomous nationalist idea to the UK. ENR Mark I seem to have managed a bit of poorly-spelled flyposting and a few rants about miscegenation before disappearing into nothing. It’s hardly a good omen.

ENR Mark II seems to be a rather uneasy alliance featuring members of the English Democrats, the South East Alliance, Britain First and now the English Volunteer Force as well. I say uneasy because some of these groups have diametrically opposed views on certain issues. For example, the English Democrats support Irish nationalism whereas the EVF are strongly loyalist. With the far right you can always be sure that cracks will be appearing before long as big egos wrestle for power and influence.

This looks like a collection of failing groups, desperate for a bit more clout than they could ever hope to manage on their own. Whilst the Eng Dems made a splash a few years back they are into decline in most areas now as people start to realise that the councillors they elected are the same old BNP thugs in suits. Britain First is another tiny split from the BNP, notable only for the fact that it is master-minded by the much-hated Jim Dowson, widely believed to have been behind some of the BNP’s worst corruption. The South East Alliance are just an EDL rump and the EVF have failed to impress so far. The organisers clearly hope that this collection of failures will be greater than the sum of its parts but we’re not holding our breath.

ENROrganiser 190213

According to Curtis, he is the “ENR national organiser covering the midlands” [sic] and his first job is going to be going to Brighton for the fascist March for England to show the “leftie commie scumbags” (his term for the local population) that “we will march and carry the St George whenever and wherever we want”. Be careful Tony – the last person to use that phrase was Casuals United’s Jeff Marsh who has now surrendered and given up on his nation by moving to Spain.

NotRacist 170213

Once again Tony is bullshitting wildly by claiming not to support racists and Nazis. When he made the announcement, fellow “patriots” urged him not to get involved in “‘white power’ bullsh-t”. Curtis replied “i am a patriot mate-not a racist-if I even suspect that C18/NF or any of that mob are present I will kick them out myself”. Even discounting the very dubious credentials of some of those involved in the alliance (for example the EVF’s monkey jokes and desire to smash “browns”), Curtis has been supporting the openly Nazi North West Infidels in recent times. That’s the NWI who recently posted a song about killing “Pakis” and gassing Jews on Twitter and are promoting a “White Pride Worldwide” event in Swansea. It’s no surprise. Tony’s new best mates in the EVF leadership are also good mates with NWI leader, John “Snowy” Shaw. Tony will tell people like his Sikh mate Jag Singh what they want to hear about him not being a racist but will cuddle up to  anyone he thinks can further his far right career. He is a liar and a hypocrite who will fit in well with his new racist buddies in the ENR.

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NWI leader John "Snowy" Shaw and EVF leader Will Anderson AKA "Jason Lock"

NWI leader John “Snowy” Shaw and EVF leader Will Anderson AKA “Jason Lock”

Fascists leak their own details

It has come to anti-fascists’ attention that fascist losers, the New British Union, have posted the details of all their national and regional officers on their website. You can find a complete list here.

The NBU is based on Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists who supported Hitler during WWII. Mosley’s blackshirts were comprehensively beaten off the streets by the anti-fascist 43 Group of Jewish ex-servicemen in the aftermath of the war.

A number of officers in the East Midlands are listed:

Derbyshire: Jennifer Page –

Leicestershire: Jenna Hines –

Northamptonshire: Terence Steele –

Nottinghamshire: Stephen Dean –

Pig’s head man gets off

Liam Ferrar, the man who put a pig’s head at the door of a community centre used by a Muslim group, has escaped jail. Ferrar, a prominent member of the EDL-led Forgotten Estates group was given a suspended 12 week jail sentence and ordered to do 250 hours community service and pay costs. Ferrar pleaded guilty to religiously-motivated harassment in January.

Whilst much was made in court about Ferrar’s remorse and how he’ll never do it again, the act was clearly premeditated. He obtained the head many months before the act and kept it in his freezer.

That said, it’s a good thing that Ferrar wasn’t jailed. Leicester EDL would have loved to have had a martyr for their cause and would have been banging on to anyone who’d listen about their fabled “two-tier justice system” and how the CPS are all communists. Importantly, As Salaam’s imam made a statement to the effect that they were satisfied that justice had been done and it is good that no one had to go through the dehumanising experience of prison.

The EDL, however, are baying for blood about another incident:

LeicesterEDL 120213At first glance this looks like another made up story, like the one about a cross being covered up by Muslims from August. However, this one seems to have an element of truth to it:

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It seems as though the incident was a) nothing to do with the people who hired the hall and b) resolved to the satisfaction of the injured party. All done and dusted by the looks of it. It’s also hardly comparable to the pig’s head incident which was clearly a premeditated attempt to intimidate the Muslim community, given the particular significance of the pig to Muslims and the context of ongoing protests in which Muslims claimed to have been abused and intimidated. There is no evidence of premeditation or intimidation in this church hall incident and you can bet the EDL would be shouting it from the rooftops if they’d found some.

This is just another bit of hypocrisy from the EDL, who always moan about the police force, filling their profiles with ‘1312’/’ACAB’ (All Coppers Are Bastards) posts when ‘their’ people are being arrested and repressed by the police. However, it seems they are quite happy to see arrests and punishment of people they don’t like.

It’s also very strange that they are complaining about the media giving coverage to the Ferrar case but not this rowdy party gone wrong. After all, the Ferrar case only got the amount of coverage it did because of the hysteria the EDL and friends had whipped up around the Thurnby Lodge scout hut and the nightly protests that they instigated. That’s why it was front page news rather than a small crime report buried on page 10. Their own exclusive scoop isn’t really much of a story unless you’re a paranoid anti-Muslim bigot who sees Islamic domination on every street corner.