Boston’s battle of the bigots

Elliott vs Everitt: Round 1

The decision of Dean Everitt’s Boston Protest Group to finally hold their anti-immigration protest has ruffled the feathers of English Democrats councillor Elliott Fountain. Fountain, a nasty little Islamophobe and fan of Greek neo-Nazis, Golden Dawn, slated the group for not marching earlier. His Facebook friends agreed, saying the group were “all piss and wind”, “bunch of fucking idiots” and that “dean evritt is a grass”.

Round 2

Everitt hit back complaining that “elected members of the council spend there spare time slagging people off to there little fans on thier page.”

how the hell some people get on the council in the first place amazes me and the biggest laugh is hes running for police commissioner lol

According to Everitt, Fountain is “a fucking joke” who “never uttered a word” during the Task and Finish meetings on the impact of immigration in Boston, is “a waste of tax payers money”. Speaking of Fountain’s candidacy for the PCC post Everitt concluded “lets just put the crooks in charge of the establishment”.

But Fountain’s merry men outflanked Everitt by starting a Facebook group mocking him called “Let’s find Dean Everitt a JOB! (Boston Protest against Immigration)”. Elliott Fountain and his friends are the main contributors although Fountain claims to have no knowledge of who set up the group! It features an amusing (but clearly edited) phonecall from Everitt in which he threatens violence and comes across as a bit of a wannabe gangster.

Round 3


Meanwhile back on the Lets find Dean Everitt a JOB! page, Simon Trigg claimed he’d “finished now making the fool [Everitt] a bigger fool than he already was he has proved what a racist thug he is and anyone who stands with him will be dragged into his moron world”. He claimed Everitt couldn’t “string a sentance together without making [himself] look like a jezza kyle mongol”. Apparently, “IF HE THOUGHT ANYTHING OF THIS TOWN HE WOULD STEP DOWN AS THE BIG MOUTH IDIOT HE IS”. Fred Cooper agreed: “i wont defend Dean, he made a fool of him self and other. but he was only a puppet who strings were being pulled.”

And who is pulling Everitt’s strings? The usual suspects:

Nottingham BNP get behind Jimmy Savile

There aren’t many people prepared to publicly back Jimmy Savile at the moment.  Nottingham BNP are willing to defend the dead abuser’s reputation, however – their spokesman, bonkers Bob Brindley, has taken to twitter to share his thoughts on the scandal.

Very tasteful, Bob.  We have commented before on the far-right’s blind spot when it comes to white paedophiles, and Brindley again shows that horrendous abuse scandals only matter to the BNP if there’s a racist point to be made.


Introducing Elliott Fountain: candidate for Lincolnshire PCC

Elliott Fountain, the English Democrats candidate for Lincolnshire Police & Crime Commissioner, is one of only two far right candidates standing in the East Midlands*. His political hero is Enoch Powell and he has expressed a strong dislike of East European migrants. Fountain has described his approach to crime as “zero tolerance“, which involves “throwing tenants out of houses faster”, expanding Lincoln prison, bringing back the death penalty and encouraging the harassment of migrants by the police.

So far, so far right. But is Elliott Fountain a fascist? Thanks to screenshots of his Facebook profile leaked to us we can safely conclude that he is.

As well as liking and promoting the English Defence League, Fountain also likes the British Friends of Golden Dawn. Golden Dawn is the Greek neo-Nazi political party whose leaders have openly praised Nazi party leaders and used Nazi imagery. Its leader proudly proclaims his racism and has called for vigilante attacks on migrants. Golden Dawn members are believed to have fought alongside the Serbs during the Bosnian war and may have participated in the Srebrenica massacre of Muslim civilians, have vandalised synagogues and sent death threats to critical journalists. Is this the kind of “zero tolerance” that Fountain wants for Lincolnshire?

Some of the pages that Fountain likes on Facebook

It’s not just foreign far right violence that Fountain promotes. He approvingly reposted a picture of a bloodied EDL member after the group’s Walsall demonstration, supporting the group’s violent clashes with the police. EDL members attacked the police with bricks, bottles and litter bins and 30 have been arrested in connection with the day’s events. I have a feeling that Fountain’s support for this disorder might not get the support of the police he wants to direct.

Fountain’s support for groups like Golden Dawn and the EDL seems to be motivated by his violent hatred of Muslims. Reposting a video of a protest by Muslims outside the US embassy, Fountain commennted “shoot the lot of them”. Commenting on Muslim outrage about The Innocence of Muslims film he said “they enrage us the goat  ragging backward rats”. Reposting a film of a Muslim protest in Australia getting attacked by a violent mob, he wrote “this is what muslims should get!!”. Promoting racist mob violence is a strange activity for a “law and order” candidate, unless you favour the kind of “law and order” practiced by the Nazis of course.

On that note, Fountain thinks “we should of never started a war with Germany” in the 1940s, “its all a giant conspiracy but cant say to much on here else i will be killed of mysteriously”. Fountain is a conspiracy theorist (perhaps an anti-Semite?) as well as a Nazi appeaser.

Fountain’s public zero-tolerance anti-drugs approach (“bang all smack heads up”) does not appear to extend to his private life. His posts are full of favourable references to taking ecstasy and asking his mates for pills. It’s all a bit strange coming from a man who has pledged to cut crime by targeting drug offences! “It’s all about helping younger people to keep them away from crime, from drugs, from doing things which are wrong” he told the BBC in a clear case of ‘do as I say, not as I do’.

He’s also not averse to drinking until he passes out. “who was sleeping with me 4 or 5 years ago” he asks Facebook,  “because i was in a drunken state for a year or two”. Maybe it was during this time that he was photographed getting his arse out in a public square in a German city. We can only imagine his response if one of the dreaded “East Euros” behaved in a similar manner in his hometown of Boston.

But Fountain’s real passion seems to be ogling at women with their tits out: Boobies, Phantom Models, Silks Gentlemans Lounge, Laptastic International, Nuts,, EroticaUK, fetish burlesque, Hedonism Resorts and Nottingham’s infamous branch of Hooters all feature on his likes list. Whilst Fountain might be a xenophobe in his political career, he’s more of an internationalist when it comes to perving, even getting into Slovak Girls & Women (as long as they’re not taking English jobs, of course).

All in all, Elliott’s a bit of a sad case and the English Democrats must be really desperate to be standing him as their candidate. Fortunately, he doesn’t have a chance in hell of actually winning, only managing a grand total of 45 votes in his past two election appearances. There goes another deposit down the drain for one of Lincolnshire’s veteran fascist losers.


* The other is Alan Spencer-Bennett, also of the English Democrats, standing for the post in Northamptonshire

Boston anti-immigration protest back on

Dean Everitt and his badly-named Boston Protest March fb group are planning to hold a static demonstration against immigration in a month’s time. The demonstration will take place on 18th November outside the Herbert Ingram Memorial. Although Everitt says “THIS IS NOT A RACE ISSUE AND RACISIM WONT BE TOLLERATED” it’s hard to imagine the virulently anti-East European sentiment of those who support the group, including activists from a number of far right groups, will pay much attention.

The demo has been postponed since July whilst the group awaited the publication of a report by Boston Borough Council into the local impact of immigration. The report, which is now released, has been deemed unsatisfactory by Everitt and co.

Everitt originally cancelled a march which was intended to take place in 2011 because he claimed he was worried about it being hijacked by the far right. He has obviously changed his mind because he has invited a number of prominent fascists and far right organisers to his new demo, including Bill Baker, leader of the New Patriot Alliance, Simon Bennett from the British Freedom leadership and a number of BNP and EDL activists.

The news hasn’t gone down well with the readers of the Boston Standard though. “Thought Mr Everitt had been out the news for a while (which was actually quite nice!)” says Gooner 5271. “YAWN!!!!!!!!!!!! Has this not died already? When will Everitt learn that his mob will solve and change nothing!” says YBForever. “When will this idiot realise that not everybody in this town has got the narrow minded views as him!!!! seriously grow up!!!” says Another fed up local. “It will achieve nothing. This is a Westminster issue not a local one… This will simply increase tensions and cause trouble on the day” says Skelsang. There wasn’t a single positive comment on the article. Not exactly resounding local support.

If Everitt really wants to drag in a bunch of racist morons from out of town to totally discredit his already sinking ship of a protest movement, he should go ahead. But maybe he hasn’t thought this one through.

No “darkies” please – we’re the BNP

Anyone who’s been foolish enough to follow Nottingham BNP’s Twitter feed will know what a never-ending stream of reactionary rubbish it is. But this week Nottingham organiser, Bob Brindley, has surpassed himself with his advice to people voting for the Notts Police Commissioner:

Time to think b4 you vote for police commissioner in Nottingham – a hard line is needed – don’t vote for labour bloke or darkie

Well we would never think of this hanging and flogging enthusiast as anything but hardline, but this is really taking the piss. I mean, it’s not as if Labour weren’t hardline on crime with all of their “anti-social behaviour” crackdowns, draconian terrorism legislation and hundreds of new laws on the books. And what makes him think that the man he charmingly refers to as a “darkie”, Dr Raj Chandran, former Tory mayor of Gedling, won’t be hardline? Is it because he subscribes to some orientalist idea that Asians are “more feminine” than Europeans? Or is it just because he’s a fascist bastard? Does this mean that Brindley wants the official Tory candidate to be Police & Crime Commissioner? Or is he in favour of independent and former copper, Robert Spencer?

Sadly for Brindley there are no fascist candidates to vote for. Bob made a lot of noise about how he was going to run for the position earlier in the year, but has probably now been told that the party don’t have any money, seeing as Nick Griffin’s spunked it all up the wall fighting legal battles with Marmite and such. Besides, they almost certainly realise that sending a deranged, openly racist, spittle-flecked ranter out to public hustings with a BNP rosette on would be a PR disaster.

Brindley’s delicate choice of words to describe a non-white candidate isn’t coming at the best of times for the besieged fascist party. Former leader of the BNP in Stoke-on-Trent, Michael Coleman, was found guilty of racially-aggravated harassment last month, in relation to bile spouted on his blog. Coleman claimed that Stoke-on-Trent City Council were “flooding this city with Muslims and blacks, a complete population replacement programme. Darkies in, whites out”. According to Coleman, he had done nothing wrong, because he was just “explaining my views in the common language of the people of Stoke-on-Trent”. Presumably only the ones still using racist language from decades ago.

With cases like this cropping up all over the place, anyone would think the BNP was full of past-their-sell-by-date racists…

Leicester EDLer sabotaged by his own angels

Leicester EDL member and all-round muppet, Glen Warren, was, until recently, the administrator of a pointless Facebook page called “Lets Make Britain Great Again”. This morning it was hacked by anti-EDL forces who have changed the profile pic to a multiracial face and are posting rude things about our Glen. A number of angels are also queuing up to slag him off for his sexual pestering and generally being a nob. The sad fuck is shedding tears into his Stella as his enemies against and within the EDL line up to slag him off. This thread’s a corker:

Walsall fallout

As members of the East Midlands EDL divisions are quick to point out, yesterday’s demo in Walsall was a disaster for them. Only 150 turned up, continuing the downward trend in numbers since the start of the year. They attacked the police with missiles, many of which missed and hit their own side, and then had a massive whinge when the police battered them in return. Now I’m not keen on seeing people getting beaten up by the police, but these morons shouldn’t have expected any other treatment, especially with all their “fuck OB” posturing after Walthamstow.

Leicester’s Steve “Bod” asked his fellow patriots how the day had gone seeing as he, like so many others, couldn’t be arsed to turn up. Fellow East Midlands Infidel, Nicolette Voss, was clear: “Bad Bod, mindless violence will make EDL look bad x”. Nottingham chump, Martin Wealthall reckoned that it was “very messy” and Leicester’s Glen Warren thought it was “propa bad” and that “loads been done by coppers”.

The EDL were whingeing about the police attacking their stewards “who are there to help with crowd control” (usually to stand in line to be the first ones hit by other EDLers when they kick off), before threatening, once again, to withdraw police liaison. Vinny James was sceptical: “No Police Liaison – heard that before…” and received a lot of support from other EDL members fed up of the leadership’s endless lies.

It’s all gone very wrong for the EDL in the last month and their return to Walthamstow at the end of October looks likely to be a massacre for them.

Anti-fascist action against EDL coach company

While the EDL were getting their pre-demo beauty sleep on Friday night, anti-fascists from Leicester were busy locking up the gates of GH Watts coach company, the company that has been ferrying East Midlands divisions around the country on their pointless excursions for a few years. While the EDL aren’t admitting whether it had any effect on their travel plans, the action will certainly have sent a message to the fascist-enablers who run the company and might make coach hire a wee bit more difficult for the EDL in future. Well done Leicester Antifascists!

Last night we took action against G H Watts coach company at their depot on Foxholes Road, Braunstone, Leicester. Their gates were D locked shut in a number of places and their locks were glued. We did this because G H Watts have consistently supported the EDL over the past few years.

The EDL are nothing more than class traitors. Their leadership have formed an alliance with investment bankers and property speculators who send their army of useful idiots to do their bidding. They try to blame all of society’s ills on their favourite scapegoats, the Muslims, in the same way that the Nazis blamed Germany’s problems on the Jews. These attempts to divide the working class along lines of race and religion divert anger away from our real class enemies: capitalists, politicians and bosses.

As antifascists we see it as our duty to combat the reactionaries of the EDL and all the tiny groups riding along on their coat tails. This includes taking action against companies that profit from their politics of hatred.

For working class action against fascism! No pasaran! – they shall not pass.

We have been exposing GH Watts’ role in servicing the EDL over the past year and have spotted their coaches at Walthamstow (Sep ’12) and Luton (May ’12) as well as Bristol (Jul ’12), Rochdale (Jun ’12), Hyde (Feb ’12), Cambridge (Jul ’11) and Blackburn (Apr ’11). Leicester and Nottingham divisions regularly travel in GH Watts coaches and sometimes they pick up Derbyshire members as well.

Sometimes they’ve opted for other companies, such as Nottingham’s Silverdale coaches for their infamous trip to Tower Hamlets where the coach was attacked by anti-fascist locals and trashed. The hapless EDL were escorted off their bus by police who then arrested them all, leading Nottingham organiser Richard Carroll to release a hilarious ‘STATMENT’ on the Nottingham EDL site.

Fountain fails again

We’re a bit slow off the draw with this one so apologies for the delay. Back at the start of the month there was a by-election for the Lincolnshire County Council seat of Nettleham & Saxilby. Far right chancer, Elliott Fountain of the English Democrats, fresh from a resounding defeat in the Lincoln East by-election, thought he’d have another go. He came last with only 21 votes (less than 0.9%) in a truly shocking performance. This is even less than the 24 votes he got when he came last in Lincoln East.

This is another major failure for the rabidly anti-immigration Fountain, who is a candidate for the Lincolnshire Police Commissioner post. The EDs must be getting tired of him pissing their deposit money up the wall!

EVF: The latest fascist brand

With the EDL disappearing faster than a pile of coke in front of Tommy Robinson, other far right groups are trying to steal the rats jumping the ship. Nick Griffin is making a concerted effort to woo disillusioned EDL members with Zionist conspiracy tapes made in his bedroom and numerous new splinter groups are springing up. Last week we reported on the New Patriots Alliance (NPA), a Bill “Muslim killer” Baker-led outfit that tried to poach Nottingham EDL’s Tony Curtis, until he decided they were too racist for him. One of its competitors is the English Volunteer Force (EVF) which has sprouted a handful of local ‘divisions’ including one in Lincoln.

Apparently, the EVF was started in July by “EDL co-founder John Sheridan with significant backing”. This “significant” backing amounts to around 180 likes on Facebook and 60 odd people saying they will be attending the EVF’s first event in February 2013 so it’s not exactly setting the nationalist world on fire. The “anonymous” leader excites EVF enthusiast Andrew Chambers who writes:

i think the main man should be invisable to the uaf,so can,t be continually brow beaten by leftwing scum,and if the lefties don,t know who to point the finger at the leader is,nt going to have to spend half his time defending himself from character assainations by the far left and treacherous mainstream liberal media

Unfortunately for Andrew, we know exactly who “John Sheridan” is. It is the alias of former EDL leader, Chris Renton. Renton was a BNP activist in Weston Super Mare before joining the EDL and tried to make links between the EDL and Combat 18. He was outed by another former EDL leader, Paul Ray, and since then the dreaded “lefties” have been digging all kinds of shit on him. According to Ray, Renton was the EDL’s enforcer on its web forums and Facebook pages:

The groups online presence is enforced with a strong hand and any comment or hint of debate is deleted and the person who questions EDL tactics denounced as a traitor, repeated ‘offences’ by an EDL member such as the crime of questioning EDL policy or suggesting new tactics for protests that do not involve fighting the police or UAF members are met with a vicious smear campaign led by none other than the Sheridan alias himself. One woman, a 57 year old Grandmother who will remain nameless decided she would email the EDL’s leaders to give her support and offer some ideas, she was then met with a barrage of hate mail including messages from the Sheridan alias himself, many of which had a crude sexual twist to them, all of which are too shocking to print here.

Sounds like the kind of chap a good wholesome patriotic movement needs!

Very naughty boy: Chris Renton AKA “John Sheridan”

Renton fell out of love with the EDL some time ago and is now busy promising to lead his Volunteer Force back to the fabled glory days:

We watch on with utter disgust the absolute implosion of the English Defence League, What the fuck has happened?! From thousands of die hard warriors to a couple of hundred pissed off people, EVF will mirror the early EDL of the days of stoke/manchester/nottingham, I absolutly promise this. No Surrender Ever!

The EVF seems to want emulate the EDL without police liaison, and without the British Freedom disaster (“The EVF think politics is not the way forward”) i.e. holding flashmobs and fighting cops, Muslims and anti-fascists. They have apparently forgotten that the EDL have never managed to get more than a few hundred to their flashmobs, numbers which were never anywhere near as high as their publicly advertised demos. They are also clearly not learning from the experiences of the Infidels, who tried to do something very similar when they split away from the EDL, and have failed to get significant numbers to their events.

The EVF are vowing that all the money from their £30 hoodies and merchandise is going back into the organisation. Let’s hope it’s not the leadership’s drugs and booze fund this time!

Bizarrely, for a group called the English Volunteer Force, they are going to a troops homecoming parade in Bridgend, Wales, in October. At least the EDL made up a Welsh Defence League before showing their faces west of the border.

The EVF are not shy about saying they are against all Muslims:

Whilst we stand against Militant Islam, We do however feel militancy is deeply embedded in Islam as a whole, Within their ideology and in the way practicing Muslims conduct their lives and by the way the vast majority choose to not integrate with our core values…

We are absolutly convinced this country is currently being Islamified.

…err, right. Their response to this “Islamification” is going to be a demo in Trafalgar Square next February, but we reckon the 65 boneheads who’ve agreed to turn up so far are going to look a little lost.

The EVF website’s “policies” section carries a fairly hilarious smear of their anti-fascist opponents as well:

We see the Far-left and the politically funded Anti-fa and Unite Against Facism (UAF) as a great danger to our country as we believe they have created the conditions that have permitted Muslim extremists to push our laws to their boundries.
These people have absolutly no morals whatsoever, They are simply deluded and extremly dangerous

This is a bit rich coming from a group that takes inspiration from the Ulster Volunteer Force, a loyalist paramilitary group in Northern Ireland that murdered over 400 civilians during it’s campaign of executions and bombings. They followed the maxim that if “you couldn’t get an IRA man you should shoot a Taig” according to their leader Gusty Spence. In 1971 the UVF carried out the McGurk’s Bar bombing which killed 15 Catholic civilians and in 1974 they planted bombs in Dublin and Managhan that killed 33 people and injured around 300. During the mid-’70s, a unit of the UVF dubbed the Shankill Butchers carried out a number of murders of Catholic civilians in which victims were abducted at random, beaten and tortured before having their throats slashed. In 1994, UVF members carried out a machine gun attack on a pub in County Down on the basis that its customers were watching the Republic of Ireland playing in the World Cup and were assumed to be Catholics. Six people were killed.

The UVF were also involved in dealing drugs within the Protestant community, and according to Alan McQuillan, assistant director of the Assets Recovery Agency, this dealing “is generally run for personal gain by a large number of people”. Ex-policeman Colin Robert Armstrong, whose luxury homes were seized in a high profile drugs case, had links to the UVF.

The EVF, then, is part of the move towards a more racist and violent mode of operation in the far right, following the collapse of the EDL. This realignment hasn’t worked for the Infidels and we fully expect the EVF to follow them into obscurity.