Tag Archives: nottingham
Nottingham EDL moonlighting with EVF
Clearly realising that the EDL now offers less opportunities for excitement than a soggy chip wrapper, several former Nottingham EDL activists signed up to go to the EVF’s demo in Birmingham yesterday. Adam Bilyk, Adam Repton, Ian Firmstone and Jack Stevens all said they were going on the event’s Facebook page.

Adam Bilyk at EVF demo

Adam Repton

Ian Firmstone

Jack Stevens
It’s no particular surprise that they have jumped ship. Nottingham EDL hasn’t been active for a long time. Their website has gone, the Facebook site is being trolled by anti-fascists and has been abandoned and their last tweet (from October) is about the weakness of the East Midlands divisions.

Casuals United caught out lying again
They will have been disappointed by the EVF demo though which was small and completely pointless. Despite mouthing off on the internet about how they were going to steal the EDL’s crown, only 50 racists turned up to stand around in a deserted square for 30 minutes talking to themselves. A few deluded fans have been claiming this as a success and inflating the numbers by fantasy proportions but the fact is they hoped for better. Seems like another tiny far right splinter doomed to failure.

The actual turnout
Fascist friendly bands play in Nottingham
Nottingham pub, Ye Olde Salutation, recently hosted two gigs by Belgian record label Pure Impact. Both the label and some of the bands involved (Skinfull, Citizen Keyne) have supported Nazi bands.
Pure Impact is a Belgian record label which has a dedicated Rock Against Communism (RAC) section featuring openly Nazi bands. As they say “anything that might interest you, we don\’t discriminate.” RAC is a pseudo music genre set up by people like Ian Stuart Donaldson of Nazi band Screwdriver and BNP leader Nick Griffin, in order to showcase white power music and as a reaction against Rock Against Racism. It was the precursor of other Nazi “cultural” movements like Blood & Honour, whose name is derived from the motto of the Hitler Youth.
Skinfull, one of the bands who played at Ye Olde Salutation, is considered a RAC band. They have been banned from events such as the Streetpunk Christmas Festival, because they’ve played alongside openly fascist bands such as Germans, Endstufe, at the far right festival Live and Loud. Endstufe have also released recordings on the Pure Impact label. They have also publicised what look suspiciously like secret neo-Nazi Blood & Honour gigs on their Facebook page. Skinfull’s lyrics are authoritarian, far right and anti-migrant. For example, Love it or Leave it, is a rant against immigrants claiming that they “Take, take, take and no fucking give / Make a contribution to the country where you live” concluding “Britain love it or leave it”.

Skinfull promoted this secret gig on their Facebook page which has all the hallmarks of Blood & Honour
Citizen Keyne, a band that played at Ye Olde Salutation in May, features a singer with an 18 tattoo. 18 stands for the 1st and 8th letter of the alphabet, AH = Adolf Hitler. Both Citizen Keyne and Skinfull have played with Pressure 28, a British Nazi band whose singer is Kevin Gough. Gough has a conviction for distributing anti-semitic and anti-immigrant material likely to incite racial hatred. In 1999 he joined a mob of Combat 18 supporters in attempting to attack the Bloody Sunday demonstration in London. Panorama claim that Gough has links to the BNP and the fascist group The International Third Position. The numbers 28 in Pressure 28’s name (BH) refer to Blood & Honour.
Both Skinfull and Citizen Keyne are examples of what German anti-fascists have labelled “Grey Zone” bands – they don’t have the guts to openly admit their fascist leanings but don’t have a problem with supporting Nazis. Anti-fascists need to oppose them and make sure their Nazi links cost them dearly.
The rise and fall of Guramit Singh
Poor old Amit Singh! He ostracised himself from the Sikh community by joining up with a gang of racists, then the Luton mafia decided he had too many ideas and kicked him out of the EDL leadership and now Casuals United are publicly naming and shaming him as a wrong ‘un who doesn’t pay his debts. At least he’s got other people’s money to keep him happy! Gedling’s most famous islamophobe has fallen on hard times. Have fun in the wilderness Uncle Tom!
Nottingham EDL incite Walthamstow riot
The arch-muppets at Nottingham EDL have managed to get caught inciting a riot on Twitter. “The way OB scum are treating us they will have a riot on their hands in #Walthamstow next Sat and it won’t be our fault” they tweeted yesterday. In what may or may not be a coincidence, the Met have since applied for a banning order on the EDL marching at the weekend. Well done lads!
No “darkies” please – we’re the BNP
Anyone who’s been foolish enough to follow Nottingham BNP’s Twitter feed will know what a never-ending stream of reactionary rubbish it is. But this week Nottingham organiser, Bob Brindley, has surpassed himself with his advice to people voting for the Notts Police Commissioner:
Time to think b4 you vote for police commissioner in Nottingham – a hard line is needed – don’t vote for labour bloke or darkie
Well we would never think of this hanging and flogging enthusiast as anything but hardline, but this is really taking the piss. I mean, it’s not as if Labour weren’t hardline on crime with all of their “anti-social behaviour” crackdowns, draconian terrorism legislation and hundreds of new laws on the books. And what makes him think that the man he charmingly refers to as a “darkie”, Dr Raj Chandran, former Tory mayor of Gedling, won’t be hardline? Is it because he subscribes to some orientalist idea that Asians are “more feminine” than Europeans? Or is it just because he’s a fascist bastard? Does this mean that Brindley wants the official Tory candidate to be Police & Crime Commissioner? Or is he in favour of independent and former copper, Robert Spencer?
Sadly for Brindley there are no fascist candidates to vote for. Bob made a lot of noise about how he was going to run for the position earlier in the year, but has probably now been told that the party don’t have any money, seeing as Nick Griffin’s spunked it all up the wall fighting legal battles with Marmite and such. Besides, they almost certainly realise that sending a deranged, openly racist, spittle-flecked ranter out to public hustings with a BNP rosette on would be a PR disaster.
Brindley’s delicate choice of words to describe a non-white candidate isn’t coming at the best of times for the besieged fascist party. Former leader of the BNP in Stoke-on-Trent, Michael Coleman, was found guilty of racially-aggravated harassment last month, in relation to bile spouted on his blog. Coleman claimed that Stoke-on-Trent City Council were “flooding this city with Muslims and blacks, a complete population replacement programme. Darkies in, whites out”. According to Coleman, he had done nothing wrong, because he was just “explaining my views in the common language of the people of Stoke-on-Trent”. Presumably only the ones still using racist language from decades ago.
With cases like this cropping up all over the place, anyone would think the BNP was full of past-their-sell-by-date racists…
Gone with the wind
As an illustration of how the local BNP has been decimated over the past few years, check out this photo of local activists taken in the run up to the 2010 elections. All of these party activists have since fallen by the wayside.
- From left: Edward Holmes, Hilda Holmes, William “Chris” Bell, Lewis Allsebrook, Michael Clarke, Janina “Nina” Brown
Edward Holmes is probably the only Ashfield candidate to have featured in the local paper after being sent a blood-stained “hate effigy”. His other claim to fame was getting into a row with BBC presenter, Des Coleman, who was filming a documentary about the fascist party. Both Holmes and his wife Hilda were last seen standing as “independent nationalists” in Selston, at the end of last year, but there hasn’t been a peep out of them since and Holmes’ Ashfield Matters website, along with the Ashfield Patriot site, is defunct. Meanwhile, the Ashfield BNP which struggled to find candidates in last year’s local elections, has collapsed.
William Christopher “Chris” Bell, was the organiser of the always fairly weak Nottingham BNP until last year when he threw in the towel and left fascist nut, Bob Brindley, in control. Brindley was last spotted handing out leaflets on his own. Presumably Bell has gone back to running shit financial advice websites and being a dodgy student landlord.
Lewis Allsebrook had been falling out with just about the whole of the East Midlands BNP for a while before he finally quit the party in February this year claiming that the BNP only had a “shallow pool of members” in Amber Valley. He was backed by Mick Clarke, the party’s parliamentary candidate for Amber Valley in 2010 who also seems to have left the party. Allsebrook’s prediction proved to be correct as the BNP slumped at the polls and lost both its councillors in Heanor this May. Allsebrook maintained his Amber Valley Matters website for a while but it hasn’t been updated for months now. He seems to have given up hope on joining another nationalist party.
Nina Brown has been in and out of the BNP more times than we’ve been able to keep track of over the past 5 years. She was the person who famously let the BNP’s security team into Sadie Graham’s house to ransack it looking for evidence of treachery. Following this she and husband Dave were part of the group that resigned forming a major split in the BNP. When that didn’t work out the Browns came back to the fold, tails between their legs and were running the Broxtowe Nationalist website up until 2010. They were spotted representing the BNP at a neo-Nazi rally in Germany at the end of 2009. Broxtowe BNP has since collapsed and a recent attempt by David Wright to revive it seems doomed to failure.
Analysis of the leaked BNP membership list in 2008 suggested that NG16 in Broxtowe was the country’s “most racist postcode” with more members than any other. Leicester, Nottingham and Derby were the cities ranked as having the 2nd, 3rd and 8th most members, with Leicester and Nottingham both having more than London. Since those days the BNP has had a near total collapse across the region. Although the dregs still remain, the endless splits, exposures and infighting have destroyed the party and many local activists have left in disgust, been purged, or have just given up. Long may it continue!
Tony Curtis is making it up
Because Nottingham’s Tony Curtis has recently risen to become an unofficial third in command of the EDL after Tommy & Kev, we thought we’d better take a bit more notice of him. Seeing as these days Tommy seems to prefer appearing as British Freedom Party deputy, Steven Lennon, to bothering to turn up to EDL demos, and Kev Carroll is standing for police commissioner in Bedfordshire, Curtis might get a promotion any day now.
So you don’t have to, I’ve sat through Tony’s speech from the EDL’s latest demo in Bristol to see what he’s all about.
What struck me immediately was how Curtis’ speeches make all kind of vague emotional claims, designed to whip up anger, but are totally free of any factual information. He makes all kinds of outrageous statements without once backing them up with any concrete examples because he doesn’t need to. The crowd he is playing for has already made up its mind. It blindly follows the men on the platform because questioning is not encouraged. A lot of the anger and hatred that EDL demos thrive on is manufactured by its leadership who willfully overlook the wider context and fall back on prejudice and bigotry. Curtis’ speeches are just a tick list of EDL clichés for the crowd to reaffirm with a drunken burst of singing at the appropriate moment.
Curtis’ Bristol speech starts with a rant about other EDL members who have accused him of being “Old Bill”. “When you’ve got evidence”, he challenged, “come and see me”. We could say the same about pretty much every single thing he said in his speech.
He went on to make the following statement about Islam:
This is the same religion of peace that shot a woman dead last week for adultery. They shot a woman dead. She was on her knees. We have a right to say we’re not having this in our country. We have a right to say no without being opposed by individuals that can’t be bothered to have a wash.
We are left completely in the dark about who he’s talking about, where in the world this incident happened, and why “the religion of peace” rather than the individual who shot the woman is to blame. But we know she was on her knees – we are painted an emotional picture to make us angry about the supposed perpetrator, Islam itself. Then we are supposed to ignore the fact that murder is already prohibited by the law and custom in the UK and think that it is only the EDL who are preventing this situation from happening here. Anyone who opposes the EDL is to be derided with the tired old fascist cliché of being a soap dodging dole scrounger (“unwashed students who can’t be bothered to get a job”).
This kind of gibberish only makes sense if you’ve been following the EDL’s mythical narrative, that Islam is the cause of all evil in the world and only the crusading knight of the EDL can stop it. Anyone who tries to stop them is siding with evil (and probably smells as well).
This massively heightened sense of their own importance, and a growing sense of insecurity, leads to Curtis making preposterous statements like this: “Remember, what you’re doing today you’re doing nothing wrong. History will be written on events like today.” This was said about a 10 minute march by 300 people around an area totally barricaded off by the police from the general public. It was hardly the Battle of Britain, however addled by booze and coke you were.
Now Curtis switches to a new line of attack:
In every city in this country there are Muslim only areas. The frightening thing is the local government are letting them get away with it. They’re saying ‘We can’t go down there because it’s a Muslim only area.’ Bollocks! I’m an Englishmen, I can walk down any street I like. I’m an Englishman and I’m a taxpayer and I can walk down any street I like.
This is a popular EDL myth, the idea that there are Muslim only areas where presumably any non-believer is descended on by a pack of zombie Muslims and has their brains eaten on sight. It’s total bollocks of course. I mean, if these areas exist, I challenge Mr Curtis and his comrades to tell me where these areas are in Leicester, Nottingham, Derby, Lincoln and Northampton? I’ve been able to travel freely around the city I’ve lived in all my life without ever being hit by a muslamic raygun. I think you’re making shit up to scare people.
I also want to know the source for the ridiculous claim that “local government” are refusing to go to certain areas because they’re Muslim only. It sounds pretty unbelievable that local authorities the length and breadth of the UK are leaving entire neighbourhoods of their cities without services because the “Islamics” have taken over. I suspect there is no source. It’s just another myth to scare the easily-led.
But there’s more rather unlikely and unsubstantiated rumour-mongering to come:
How can they cut police numbers when the crime rate is so high? Especially in Muslim areas. How can they do that?
“Especially in Muslim areas”? Do you have any statistics for that Mr Curtis? I think you’re making it up.
But here’s the truly breathtaking one:
Three years ago Islamics weren’t being arrested for child grooming, nobody was interested. We even had senior police officers telling their constables ‘Don’t stop Muslims in cars because we’ll get called a racist’, and all the time these Muslims are cruising for young girls to abuse and rape. But now it’s no longer happening because the English Defence League has said that if it continues we will organise demonstrations in those areas. It’s not happening any more, and you are part of that. You can go home today and say all those scumbags that are in prison for abusing young girls, I was partly responsible for putting them there. Because 20 years ago they weren’t interested and now they are and the only reason they’re interested is because of the millions it would cost them if we went to that city.
Here Curtis is claiming that the successful prosecution of the Rochdale grooming gang was down to the EDL, a truly mind-bending claim. The far right, including EDL members, almost caused the trial of the men to collapse by holding demonstrations outside the court in Liverpool at which barristers were attacked. A far more convincing case could be made about the role of the incoming Muslim chief prosecutor for the region, Nazir Afsal, who overturned the previous decision not to prosecute the gang.
The claim that senior police officers told their forces not to stop Muslims seems to be an embellished version of a quote from the mother of a child abused by paedophiles in Rochdale. In a Telegraph article on the case, Miss F said “A police officer did tell me, and a social worker has told me since, that they’re frightened to do anything with the Asians because they might be accused of being racist against them” (not that they were ordered not to do anything). But, interestingly, the first reason Miss F gave for why the police didn’t investigate was that “They knew all about my daughters from late 2002, but they just put it down by my girls being really bad kids.”
If we actually look at the facts of the case, it seems that gender and class rather than race were where the problems lay. The police were reluctant to protect “bad kids” and the CPS originally decided not to prosecute because the girls were not considered to be credible witnesses. Credibility in the eyes of middle class lawyers often involves a judgement based on the social standing of the witness. It doesn’t take a genius to realise that young, working class girls don’t figure very highly on their scale. In rape cases, it is also very difficult for women to be believed, as evidenced by the extremely poor conviction rates, a result of the patriarchal structure of society. Indeed, many commentators with experience working with victims of sexual abuse blamed misogynist and patriarchal attitudes for the rapes.
And before we consider the EDL to be crusaders against paedophilia, let’s remember all of the cases of rape of young girls by members of the EDL.
The idea that the only reason that police forces are acting on cases of paedophilia by Muslims (it seems the EDL aren’t interested in white paedophiles) is because otherwise the EDL will do a demo in their city, only makes sense to a believer in the cult of EDL, especially now that their demos are so small and easy for the police to contain. But these are the myths that need to be told so that the faithful will keep returning.
In between the bombast, there was a lot of tacit admission of their defeat in Curtis’ message. “Let’s get these defence leagues restarted” he pleaded and “Let’s see you all in Walthamstow because this has got to get bigger.” “The English Defence League is here to stay,” he said “even if I have to go into every city on my own.” “We are coming down the road in every city in this country until somebody listens to what we have to say.” Still no new ideas then.
Curtis’ conclusion is that “We are the only organisation to stand in defiance of the Islamics. We are the only ones and no one else.” I’m sure the BNP, Infidels, National Front, British People’s Party, English Democrats and UKIP say that too! It’s another example of how blind he is to everything outside of the EDL bubble.
Tony, when you have got some evidence for your bullshit claims, come and see us.
Nottingham BNP’s Olympic journey
Nottingham BNP have been watching the Olympics with conflicting emotions. First there was relief that there were some “white events” like swimming. Then there was outrage against the “British ‘regime'” for “bashing up amateur cyclists” as the repression of London Critical Mass got underway. This quickly turned to disgust on the realisation that the victims of police aggression were “Uk indymedia jobless dreadlocked unwashed pricks”. And finally, never far away with the BNP, was hate: “So why was vermin Doreen Lawrence at the opening ceremony – hang the bitch”.
As we’ve previously revealed, Nottingham BNP’s Twitter feed is a brain dump for unhinged fascist, Bob Brindley. These are the thoughts of a man who wants to run for Police Commissioner in Nottingham this Autumn. Seeing as he can barely control his own irrational hatred, I can’t imagine many people would trust him with the local constabulary.