The EDL held a national demo in Boston, Lincolnshire yesterday, hoping to capitalise on the town’s sizeable vote for Brexit. They only managed to muster 20 people, including a film crew, and most were from out of town. This pathetic contingent then proceeded to shout at locals including calling a local girl a slag who deserved to be raped which I am sure will boost their numbers for future demos in the area. More evidence that the EDL’s influence in Lincolnshire is fading even faster than their overpriced merchandise!
Tag Archives: Boston
Nazi graffiti on church?!
“Nazi and National Front slogans and logos” have been graffitied on buildings in Lincolnshire.
In and of itself, this is fairly unremarkable, what is strange about this is that one of the buildings targeted was a church, rather than the more usual mosque.
According to the Boston Standard:
The material was found on the doors and windows of the church hall at St Peter and St Paul’s Church in Westhorpe Road, Gosberton, on Sunday.
It is not clear how long the graffiti had been there.
The offenders used black spray paint and are also said to have daubed messages onto the wall of a garage opposite the church and on an electricity hut on Salem Street.
The Police are going through the motions of asking for witnesses, but there can’t be much chance of people coming forward. Generally only the stupidest perpetrators of this sort of activity ever get caught (like the kid in Leicestershire who decided to include his own tag in pro-EDL scrawling on a local mosque).
Boston EDL member arrested for racial abuse
Matt “NFSE” Hickman, a member of the EDL from Boston, has been arrested for a suspected racially-aggravated offence, in what may be the start of a round up of the far right. According to Hickman, police arrested him under S.4 of the Public Order Act (Fear or provocation of violence), in relation to posts made on his Facebook page. He said the police have told him more arrests will be made.ide
Whilst it is sickening that the state can simply round people up based on posts made on Facebook, we won’t be shedding any tears for Muslim-haters like Hickman. There is no doubt that a great deal of fascist organisation to attack people based on their skin colour or religion occurs on Facebook and this organisation should be disrupted as much as possible.
But which of Hickman’s “top lads” is the grass? And who will be called down to the station next?
UKIP dominate Boston protest
Yesterday’s demonstration against immigration in Boston seemed to have been a moderate success for the right. In the end, the protest drew 150-300 people according to the Boston Standard. The event seems to have been dominated by local UKIP politician, Chris Pain, whose party’s flag was prominently positioned behind the speakers. Indeed, most of the placards displayed an anti-EU sentiment rather than outright xenophobia. Even so, it is worrying that an implicitly anti-foreigner event has drawn such a big turnout.
EDL members from Lincolnshire, Nottingham and East Anglia traveled to take part in the event which was also trumpeted by BNP activist Craig Farnsworth. Their relatively small and muted presence (they didn’t feel confident enough to openly display their far right affiliations) was eclipsed by the better funded and more politically acceptable (to some!) politics of UKIP. However, that hasn’t stopped them from crowing about their success and how this small acorn will grow into a mighty oak and other such nonsense.
It is clear that, given the collapse of their own movements, the far right are now looking to other issues to piggyback on in the hope of finding new recruits and new forums for them to infect with their politics. Anti-fascists need to be alert to these tactics and be countering their arguments with our own perspective on global capitalist politics. It is only where the only voices are those blaming foreigners rather than the forces of international capital that the falsehoods pedaled by the extreme right can take hold.
The apparent success of the protest has led to the inevitable unimaginative response. They are going to hold another protest in the neighbouring town of Spalding some time in the future, presumably to keep flogging this horse until it’s well and truly dead.
Boston protest is a far right event
This Sunday will see an anti-immigration march take place in Boston, Lincolnshire. In the past, organiser Dean Everitt has made a big fuss about avoiding being “hijacked” by the far right but we can reveal that Sunday’s static demonstration at the Herbert Ingram memorial is a solidly far right event.
Dean Everitt has shown support for the Infidels of Britain, BNP and EDL on Facebook and of the 100 odd people who have signed up on Facebook, many are far right organisers and activists. They include Lincolnshire EDL organiser, Daz Healey, partner of Tony Curtis and former EDL speaker, Tracie Bird, organiser of the recent EDL demo in Norwich, Sam Burgess, BNP activist and in charge of the New Daily Patriot far right news site, Craig Farnworth, East Anglian EDL organiser, Ivan Humble, Shane Overton (Lincoln EDL), Sonya Greenberry-Coleman (Nottingham EDL) and Andy Reynolds (East Anglian EDL). Those who maybe going include Geoff Mitchell (East Anglian EDL), Louise Walsh (Nottingham EDL), Dom Woodhead (Keighley EDL), Tony Ball (Sunderland EDL), John Morrow (EDL) and Roy Wolfshead (CxF). The list of those invited includes British Freedom Party founder, Simon Bennett, Derbyshire BNP organiser, Paul Hilliard and Derbyshire BNP candidate, Emma Roper.

Dean Everitt: Organiser of the Boston Protest Group and currently under investigation for assault and criminal damage
Considering the mess the EDL and BNP are in at the moment this could be a relatively big event for them and there will doubtless be more turning up who aren’t foolish enough to announce their presence on Facebook. It is quite hard to see how they this fits in with the stated mission of the EDL to combat “Islamic extremism” but when times are hard the far right turn to whatever cause they think is populist and likely to garner support for their own flagging organisations.
Local migrant rights organisations have expressed their worry about the demonstration turning ugly and resulting in violence and harassment of migrant workers and their families in the area. Given the kind of people who are pledging to turn up and the followers they will bring with them, it does not seem unreasonable. Let’s hope the people of Boston show them the same lack of respect they have done so far.
Anti-immigration protest leader arrested for assault
Leader of the Boston anti-immigration protest, Dean Everitt, was arrested on suspicion of assault and criminal damage last Sunday, after an “altercation between neighbours”. It’s not been a good fortnight for Everitt who was recorded threatening a man over the phone and has been branded a “racist thug”. The links between Everitt and groups known for racist violence are multiplying. He has invited EDL, BNP and other far right organisers to his anti-immigration demo and is a fan of the openly racist Infidels of Britain on Facebook. The anti-immigration protest is due to take place on Sun 18th Nov.
Boston’s battle of the bigots
Elliott vs Everitt: Round 1
The decision of Dean Everitt’s Boston Protest Group to finally hold their anti-immigration protest has ruffled the feathers of English Democrats councillor Elliott Fountain. Fountain, a nasty little Islamophobe and fan of Greek neo-Nazis, Golden Dawn, slated the group for not marching earlier. His Facebook friends agreed, saying the group were “all piss and wind”, “bunch of fucking idiots” and that “dean evritt is a grass”.
Round 2
Everitt hit back complaining that “elected members of the council spend there spare time slagging people off to there little fans on thier page.”
how the hell some people get on the council in the first place amazes me and the biggest laugh is hes running for police commissioner lol
According to Everitt, Fountain is “a fucking joke” who “never uttered a word” during the Task and Finish meetings on the impact of immigration in Boston, is “a waste of tax payers money”. Speaking of Fountain’s candidacy for the PCC post Everitt concluded “lets just put the crooks in charge of the establishment”.
But Fountain’s merry men outflanked Everitt by starting a Facebook group mocking him called “Let’s find Dean Everitt a JOB! (Boston Protest against Immigration)”. Elliott Fountain and his friends are the main contributors although Fountain claims to have no knowledge of who set up the group! It features an amusing (but clearly edited) phonecall from Everitt in which he threatens violence and comes across as a bit of a wannabe gangster.
Round 3
Meanwhile back on the Lets find Dean Everitt a JOB! page, Simon Trigg claimed he’d “finished now making the fool [Everitt] a bigger fool than he already was he has proved what a racist thug he is and anyone who stands with him will be dragged into his moron world”. He claimed Everitt couldn’t “string a sentance together without making [himself] look like a jezza kyle mongol”. Apparently, “IF HE THOUGHT ANYTHING OF THIS TOWN HE WOULD STEP DOWN AS THE BIG MOUTH IDIOT HE IS”. Fred Cooper agreed: “i wont defend Dean, he made a fool of him self and other. but he was only a puppet who strings were being pulled.”
And who is pulling Everitt’s strings? The usual suspects:
Boston anti-immigration protest back on
Dean Everitt and his badly-named Boston Protest March fb group are planning to hold a static demonstration against immigration in a month’s time. The demonstration will take place on 18th November outside the Herbert Ingram Memorial. Although Everitt says “THIS IS NOT A RACE ISSUE AND RACISIM WONT BE TOLLERATED” it’s hard to imagine the virulently anti-East European sentiment of those who support the group, including activists from a number of far right groups, will pay much attention.
The demo has been postponed since July whilst the group awaited the publication of a report by Boston Borough Council into the local impact of immigration. The report, which is now released, has been deemed unsatisfactory by Everitt and co.
Everitt originally cancelled a march which was intended to take place in 2011 because he claimed he was worried about it being hijacked by the far right. He has obviously changed his mind because he has invited a number of prominent fascists and far right organisers to his new demo, including Bill Baker, leader of the New Patriot Alliance, Simon Bennett from the British Freedom leadership and a number of BNP and EDL activists.
The news hasn’t gone down well with the readers of the Boston Standard though. “Thought Mr Everitt had been out the news for a while (which was actually quite nice!)” says Gooner 5271. “YAWN!!!!!!!!!!!! Has this not died already? When will Everitt learn that his mob will solve and change nothing!” says YBForever. “When will this idiot realise that not everybody in this town has got the narrow minded views as him!!!! seriously grow up!!!” says Another fed up local. “It will achieve nothing. This is a Westminster issue not a local one… This will simply increase tensions and cause trouble on the day” says Skelsang. There wasn’t a single positive comment on the article. Not exactly resounding local support.
If Everitt really wants to drag in a bunch of racist morons from out of town to totally discredit his already sinking ship of a protest movement, he should go ahead. But maybe he hasn’t thought this one through.
English Democrats fail in Lincoln East
The English Democrats candidate and leader of the party in Lincolnshire, Elliott Fountain, has failed dismally in the Lincoln East by election. Fountain, who is already a councillor for the Fenside ward of Boston Borough Council, only got a paltry 24 votes (2.1%) despite the extremely low turnout, something that normally favours small parties.
Fountain has said that at least half of the jobs available in Lincolnshire should be guaranteed to go to “English workers”, a call which was criticised by local farmers who said it would lead to a labour shortage. A speech of his is quoted on the now defunct Boston Casuals website in which he blames the “east euros” for everything from both school closures and local children not being able to go to their selected school, Boston Borough Council’s benefits bill and drink driving. “1000 east euros get deported on euro warrants each year from UK for being criminals,” he rants, “people dont know if there living next door to rapists, murderers and paedophiles”. Unsurprisingly, he failed to mention that the vast majority of rapists, murderers and paedophiles in this country are British. He is trying to promote the same politics of fear and loathing of anything foreign that is shared by the rest of the far right. Thankfully only 24 people in Lincoln East have fallen for it.
Fountain has said that he will stand for the Lincolnshire Police Commissioner post in the Autumn. His credentials appear to be that “I am Lincolnshire born and raised – my family have been here for hundreds of years” and that he is “more in touch with the youth of today”. He campaigned to be elected as mayor of Boston last year, but had to pay people to support his bid.
If Fountain’s anti-immigrant politics of fear sounds rather familiar it might be because his stablemate, fellow English Democrats councillor for Fenside, David Owens, was a BNP member up until the 2011 local elections when he defected to the English Democrats. The English Democrats appear to be seen as a more “credible” nationalist party to join when jumping the “toxic” BNP ship but anti-fascists are not falling for it. It’s the same old xenophobic nonsense with a new label.
Boston anti-immigration march called off again
Dean Everitt’s anti-immigration Boston Protest Group has voted not to hold a march against immigration. This is the second time the Lincolnshire group has cancelled a protest and on both occasions fears that it would be “hijacked” by fascists have motivated the decision. Indeed, the far right used Facebook to encourage people from outside town to attend the meeting and vote for the march but their attempt to influence the meeting seems to have failed.
Everitt, who was clearly disappointed with the result, has said that the march has been “postponed not cancelled” and is using the march as a threat against Boston Borough Council. The Council are in the process of writing a report into the effects of immigration and if they do not come up with a conclusion that Everitt is happy with the march will be back on. Everitt is quoted as saying he wants to be “heavily involved” in the writing of the report, although it is not clear what his qualifications for doing so would be.
Everitt tried to organise a similar march in October last year saying that “We are not racist… but we are saying this place is now full and we should not have any more” and “they need to shut the floodgates.” Unsurprisingly, the BNP and EDL soon picked up on the alarmist language and fears about immigration and Everitt cancelled claiming that his event was being hijacked.